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Team-Teaching in a Global Context by Naoki Fujimoto-Adamson

Bio: My name is Naoki Fujimoto-Adamson and I am currently working as a teacher-researcher at a small private university in Niigata City called Niigata University of International and Information Studies (NUIS). Also, I used to work as an English teacher at some public schools in Nagano Prefecture in the 1990s for almost 8 years and I team-taught with several ALTs. Since then, I have recognized both advantages and challenges of this joint-teaching instruction. Therefore, my experiences of team-teaching have inspired me to conduct research in this specific area.


In 1998, when I was 30 years old, I quit my job and went to England to study as a postgraduate student. I received an MA in English Language Teaching (ELT) from the University of Essex in 2000 then moved to the University of Leicester taking a Doctorate of Education (Ed.D.) in Applied Linguistics and TESOL. In both universities, I researched team-teaching. This postgraduate student life gave me a wider perspective of my research. In fact, my recent book from the Cambridge Scholars, Globalisation and Its Effects on Team-Teaching, has its origins in my Ed.D. study.

1998年、私は30歳の時に公立中学校の教員を辞めて、イギリスへ留学し大学院生として勉強しました。 2000年にエセックス大学で英語教育(ELT)の修士号を取得してから、レスター大学に移り教育学部の博士課程にて応用言語学および外国語としての英語教育(TESOL)を学びました。両大学では、チームティーチングを研究しました。イギリスの大学院で勉強したことは、私の研究により広い視野を与えてくれました。実際、Cambridge Scholarsから出版された著書Globalization and its Effects on Team-Teachingは、レスター大学の博士課程で勉強した内容がもとになっています。

Regarding my book on team-teaching, I analyzed team-teaching practices in the wider context. In particular, it focused on globalisation and its effects on team-teaching because the creation of this joint teaching instruction is closely related to the global economy and international politics between Japan and the United States. I will not go into the details here but if you are interested in it, please take a look at the book.


Concerning the data collection for the book from the school sites, both teachers and students in three junior high schools in Nagano Prefecture collaborated in my research project. I visited those schools and observed their team-teaching lessons and interviewed, Japanese teachers, ALTs and their students. Without their generosity, I wouldn’t have finished the project so I sincerely appreciate their cooperation.


I wrote the book in order to improve team-teaching practices using actual data from the classroom and stakeholders’ voices, a stance on research called “evidence based” practice rather than just my personal opinion. In addition, I strongly believe that the research methodology which I used, “discourse analysis”, can be a useful tool to formulate good communication among teachers and students. 


Also, we need to remember that team-teaching is not only performed in Japan, but also in different countries around the world. As for the ELT contexts in Asia, the English Program in Korea (EPIK) is similar to the Japan Exchange and Teaching (JET) Program. Furthermore, the Native-speaking English Teachers (NET) Scheme in Hong Kong and Foreign English Teachers in Taiwan (FETIT) exist. In those countries, team-teaching is carried out with local English teachers and teachers from other countries (frequently from English speaking countries).

また、チームティーチングは日本だけでなく、世界各国で行われていることも忘れてはなりません。アジアにおける外国語教育の分野では、韓国のThe English Program in Korea(EPIK)は、日本のThe Japan Exchange and Teaching Program(JET)との共通点が数多くあります。さらに、香港のThe Native-speaking English Teachers(NET)スキームと、台湾のForeign English Teachers in Taiwan(FETIT)でもティームティーチングを取り入れています。これらの国のチームティーチングは、地元の英語教員と外国(多くの場合、英語圏の国)から招かれた教員が一緒に行います。

Further to this, a similar type of teaching can be seen in British and Australian schools called “partnership teaching” between language and subject teachers to assist immigrant students in mainstream classrooms. Also, in Europe, team-teaching can be seen between language and subject teachers in lessons termed Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL). Looking at the research from other countries into team-teaching, I believe that we can learn a lot despite the different contexts in which it is situated.

これに加えて、同様の教育がイギリスやオーストラリアの学校でも行われています。それは、移民の生徒を支援するために、語学教員と数学や社会などの専門科目を教える教員がペアを組んで教えるため、「パートナーシップ・ティーチング」と呼ばれています。また、多言語教育に取り組むヨーロッパでも、Content and Language Integrated Learning(CLIL)という授業で、語学教員と専門科目を教える教員とで行われるチームティーチングが見られます。各国のチームティーチングに関する研究からも、多くのことを学ぶことができると思います。

Finally, I hope that Globalisation and Its Effects on Team-Teaching will help you to improve your team-teaching practices.

最後に、Globalisation and Its Effects on Team-Teachingの著書が、あなたのチームティーチングの授業のお役立つことを願っています。

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