Welcome to the ALTTO Moodle Learning Platform

Welcome to the ALTTO Moodle Learning Platform

by Nicholas J. Wilson -
Number of replies: 0

Welcome everyone.
Like all of you here, we are also figuring out how to improve your learning experience on this platform. We will keep you updated on the changes that will naturally follow the official opening of this site. Please also use this thread to provide constructive feedback that we can use to improve the system.

Things to look forward to (before you ask!):

- Badges: we are working on implementing badges (possibly using the open badges standard so that users who are collecting them on other platforms can also add ours!);

- More courses: some are in the final check stage, some are still WIP!;

- Overall improvements to the layout;

- Faster server refresh rate.

In the meantime, do share your thoughts with us! Let's improve together!

Thank you

Nicholas J. Wilson
Website & Moodle Admin, Lead Content Designer
ALT Training Online


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